Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Epitaxial film
Platelike crystal
Columnar grain
Fine crystal
Effects of temperature and supersaturation on morphology of deposits in CVD.
Conventional CVD is often termed thermal CVD because CVD is a sequential thermally
activated process including many chemical reactions and mass-transfer steps as illustrated
in Figure 7.18. (53) Therefore, CVD commonly requires a higher deposition temperature than
PVD; this may be a disadvantage of CVD. This disadvantage relates to the microstructural
change in Ti substrates during CVD processes. Ti transforms from α to β type around
1170 K. When α type and α + β type Ti materials are held over β transus temperature in
the single β phase region, very rapid β grain growth occurs and their microstructure is
coarsened. The resultant transformed microstructure is unable to be refined by postheat
treatment. In bioceramic coatings, therefore, the deposition temperature should be low-
ered. Precursor (source gas) can be a key factor to determine the deposition temperature
in CVD. In many industrial applications, a halide precursor, particularly chloride and bro-
mide compounds, has been employed in CVD; this is termed halide CVD. Since halides are
usually thermally stable, halide CVD commonly requires a high deposition temperature,
typically more than 1300 K. On the other hand, many kinds of metal-organic compounds
(MO) have been developed these days, and MOs are more chemically reactive than halide
compounds. CVD using MO precursors (termed MOCVD) often enables deposition tem-
perature lower than halide CVD. However, the lower deposition temperature of MOCVD
often results in lower crystallinity and remaining of impurity hydrocarbons in deposited
films. This may be a drawback of MOCVD.
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