Hardware Reference
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source-quick-reference-guide/ ) , as well as a poster of what “must” versus “may” be al-
lowed to call hardware open source. In addition, the Summit is held annually. OSHWA
has held other events as well. For example, it gathered key lawyers in the field of open
source hardware for a legal day to discuss IP practices and open source hardware.
OSHWA hosted a symposium with Congressman Jared Polis, and wrote up instructions
for the community to host similar symposiums. OSHWA hopes to continue adding to re-
sources and events about open source hardware in the future.
Ackermann, J. 2009. “Toward Open Source Hardware.” University of Dayton Law
Review 34 (2): 183-222. http://www.tapr.org/Acker-
mann_Open_Source_Hardware_Article_2009.pdf .
Ayass, M. 2011. “CERN's Open Hardware License.” ht-
OHL_OSHW-Summit.pdf .
Bdeir, A. 2011a. “Open Hardware Definition 1.0 RELEASED!” Open Hardware Sum-
mit. http://www.openhardwaresummit.org/2011/02/10/open-hardware-defini-
tion-1-0-released/ .
Bdeir, A. 2011b. “OSHW Logo Selected!” Open Hardware Summit. ht-
tp://www.openhardwaresummit.org/2011/04/07/oshw-logo-selected/ .
Benjegerdes, T. 1998. “Open Source Hardware Page.” http://web.archive.org/web/
19981202022558/http://web.dodds.net/%7Ehozer/opensource.html .
CERN. 2011. “CERN Launches Open Hardware Initiative.” http://public.web.cern.ch/
press/pressreleases/Releases2011/PR08.11E.html .
Eyebeam. 2010. “Opening Hardware: A Workshop on Legal Tools.”
Freedom Defined. 2011. “Open Source Hardware Definition.” ht-
tp://freedomdefined.org/OSHW .
Freedom Defined. n.d. “OSHW Older Drafts.” http://freedomdefined.org/
OSHW_older_drafts .
Freeman, D. 1998. “OHSpec: The Open Hardware Specification Project.” ht-
tp://web.archive.org/web/19990220025612/http://www.wpi.edu/~free779/main.html .
Jones, D. 2011. “Promoting Open Hardware.” http://lists.openhardwaresummit.org/
pipermail/updates-openhardwaresummit.org/2011-September/000566.html .
Lamberts, R. 1998. “Open Design Circuits.” http://web.archive.org/web/
19981207075641/http://circu.its.tudelft.nl/ .
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