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which serve one of the most powerful creative process. This approach may enable
the elaboration of a more systematic and generic database seen by function.
Some sectors of in fl uence are very poorly represented (under 8 %). However,
they are important to support divergent thinking.
There is a sector which is of great interest, the target, because it is not neces-
sarily expressed by the designers but they lack information in this ! field which is
usually given by the marketing.
Finally, when building computer-aided design tools for the information phase,
the richness represented here, in terms of number of sectors, number of sources
by sectors, and widening capability, should be taken into account for any
information system.
6 Future Research Directions
The results presented here enabled to establish a database which is related to the
initial design brief of designing a Nike vacuum cleaner. The sectors that have been
identi ! ed are mainly targeted toward the functions of a standard vacuum cleaner.
But they are also strongly related to the brand which have been stated in the brief.
As we applied previously similar methods to formalize the information process
involved in early design, we discovered that some sectors may be generic to any
design process, such as the sector of biomorphism for instance. Future studies
should attempt to elaborate a more general database driven by a more general
design activity potentially addressing various reference sectors. This way a generic
information system could be used independently from a speci ! c reference sector.
7 Conclusion
In order to elaborate future computer-aided design systems for the earliest phases of
design, it is important ! first to model the implicit cognitive and affective processes of
designers. The second step is to ! find and adapt formalisms that will then be imple-
mented through speci ! c algorithms for integrating knowledge and rules. As it has
been shown in this experiment, any information system dedicated to the designers
should bring more information in shorter times, keeping the divergence capabilities in
order to support actually help in the creative steps of design. The relations between the
various kinds of information are also of great importance, and may help in the defi- ! -
nition of rules that could be implemented in computer-aided design tools.
Acknowledgments We would like to thank the ANR (French National Agency for Research) for
its ! financial support and all partners and stakeholders who brought their contribution to the
GENIUS project.
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