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Human Centered Industry
Shuichi Fukuda
Abstract The current framework of industries are too much separated, although
not a small number of them share the goal of satisfying the same human needs. This
is because current industries are too much technology driven. Industries were
developed on the basis of technology inventions and they grew on the same track.
They do not look back and examine what human needs led to such an invention. If
these industries are redesigned and united, customers will be more satis ! ed because
their expectations will be met more perfectly and consumption of energy will be
reduced considerably. Thus it will bring about a great increase in productivity. Such
expectation-driven reorganization of industries will bring forth seamless society
where people can enjoy their life more comfortably because it will respond to their
own needs and to their own tastes.
1 Introduction
1.1 Technology-Driven Industry
The current framework of industry is technology-driven. Thus, most industries are
trying to produce better products in their own ! field. And they forgot to satisfy the
basic human needs.
Let us take transportation for example. Cars, trains, ships, and airplanes were
invented separately in different years and they followed different histories of
development. But what is common to them all is the fact that they were invented to
solve a very speci ! c technical issue to answer the particular human needs or
dreams. Engineering is there to achieve such a purpose. So this is ! ne. But once
they were successful, they forgot why they invented such a product.
S. Fukuda ( & )
System Design and Management, Keio University, 4-4-1 Hiyoshi,
Kohoku-Ku, Yokohama 223-8526, Japan
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