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Fig. 2 Maslow's hierarchy of
human needs
4 Self-Actualization Satisfaction
Thus, another subjective satisfaction is Self-Actualization Satisfaction. This is
completely subjective. Self-actualization is deeply associated with challenges.
Challenge is the core and mainspring of all human activities. If we overcome the
challenge, we are ! filled with the feeling of accomplishment. Other kinds of satis-
factions are based on products, but this Self-Actualization Satisfaction is based on
processes. Even if the ! final product is the same, Self-Actualization Satisfaction is
much greater when the process is more dif ! cult.
Therefore, Self-Actualization Satisfaction or such value for a customer is
described using differential as shown in Eq. ( 3 ).
Value ¼ Feeling of Achievement or Fulfillment ¼ Self Actualization Satisfaction
¼ D Difficulty =D Cost
Here, cost includes not only money, but more than that, time and efforts.
Thus, challenge or self-actualization is evaluated by differential. We have to
develop such engineering which looks at things in a differential framework.
5 Personal Fabrication
Such technologies as 3D printers are getting wide attention these days. These
technologies are regarded as tools for making production more fl flexible, easier, and
more cost effective. Although such technologies are also regarded as being very
good for enjoying production personally, the impact of such personal fabrication is
not correctly understood.
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