Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
New Year's Day 1 January
National Sovereignty & Children's Day 23 April
May Day 1 May
Atatürk Commemoration & Youth Day 19 May
Victory Day 30 August
Republic Day 29 October
Religious festivals are celebrated according to the Muslim lunar Hejira calendar; two of
these festivals (Şeker Bayramı and Kurban Bayramı) are also public holidays. Şeker
Bayramı is a three-day festival at the end of Ramazan, and Kurban Bayramı, the most im-
portant religious holiday of the year, is a four-day festival which date changes each year.
During these festivals, banks and offices are closed and hotels, buses, trains and planes are
heavily booked.
Though most restaurants and cafes open to serve non-Muslims during the holy month
of Ramazan (called Ramadan in other countries), it's polite to avoid ostentatious public
smoking, eating and drinking during this period.
Safe Travel
Pedestrian Safety
As a pedestrian, always give way to vehicles; the sovereignty of the pedestrian is recog-
nised in law but not out on the street.
Racial Discrimination
Turkey is not ethnically diverse. This means that travellers who are Asian or black stand
out as being different and can be treated unacceptably as a consequence. As well as har-
assment, there have been isolated incidents of violence towards black travellers, allegedly
at the hands of individual members of the police force.
Theft & Robbery
Theft is not generally a big problem and robbery (mugging) is comparatively rare, but
don't let İstanbul's relative safety lull you. Take normal precautions. Areas to be particu-
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