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function getLatLng(callback) {
// test for presence of geolocation
if (navigator && navigator.geolocation) {
// make the request for the user's position
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) {
// success handler
callback(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
function (err) {
// handle the error by passing the callback the location from MaxMind
callback(geoip_latitude(), geoip_longitude(), true);
} else {
// geolocation not available, so pass the callback the location from
// MaxMind
callback(geoip_latitude(), geoip_longitude(), true);
function error(msg) {
Other than the call to simplegeo.PlacesClient() to set up SimpleGeo, the code starts
off the same as the previous example.
In the click handler, we get the user's current location using the getLatLng() function
and we use the resulting latitude and longitude to call the SimpleGeo geoclient.
search() function to find the closest Starbucks to us. The function
takes in latitude and longitude parameters, our query options, and a callback function.
We set the query options to a search term ( q param) of Starbucks within a 20 -kilometer
radius ( radius param), and indicate that only one result ( num param) is required.
The callback returns a features collection, which contains various information about
each search result (including latitude and longitude). In the callback, we save the
latitude, longitude, and address in variables as our starting location.
Then we make a second call using the starting location as the
reference point. This time it returns two results, since the first result is still the starting
location. We store the second feature item's latitude, longitude, and address in the
ending location variables.
Now that the start and end locations are set, we can use the same Google Maps API
call as in the last example to display the driving directions between the two locations.
To finish off the example, we display the starting and ending addresses above the map.
See Also
Create dynamic maps with datasets with a free JavaScript library at .
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