HTML and CSS Reference
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Create a Map object by calling new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"),
myOptions) , passing in the HTML element where you want to display the map and a
Map options object.
There are many options that can be set, but the three used for this solution are zoom ,
mapTypeId , and center . The options are fairly descriptive as to their purpose. Set zoom
to 4 to allow the user to see the entire US. For the mapTypeId , use ROADMAP , which displays
the normal, default 2D tiles of Google Maps. The other options are SATELLITE ,
HYBRID , and TERRAIN . The center option indicates the location that is displayed in the
center of the map.
The latitude and longitude of Kansas, which is a central location in the US, are hard-
coded to create a LatLng object that can be used to set the center parameter. When the
Map object is created using the new keyword it, automatically updates our map div .
The next line, directionsRenderer = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer(); , creates
a new DirectionsRenderer object that can automatically update Map s for us. The line
directionsRenderer.setMap(map); doesn't do anything yet, but it tells the user to enter
an address and click the button.
In this example, refactored logic does a geolocation fallback in order to be a little more
compact and reusable:
function getLatLng(callback) {
// test for presence of geolocation
if (navigator && navigator.geolocation) {
// make the request for the user's position
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) {
// success handler
callback(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
function (err) {
// handle the error by passing the callback the location from MaxMind
callback(geoip_latitude(), geoip_longitude(), true);
} else {
// geolocation not available, so pass the callback the location from
// MaxMind
callback(geoip_latitude(), geoip_longitude(), true);
The getLatLng() function takes a single callback parameter that returns the latitude ,
longitude , and isMaxMind variables.
We check for the existence of navigator.geolocation just like we did before, but this
time we define the navigator.geolocation callback handlers inline to call our common
callback function. That returns either the results of getCurrentPosition() or the Max-
Mind latitude and longitude.
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