HTML and CSS Reference
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Next, add a background color via CSS to indicate a simple presentation for the canvas :
canvas {background: #000;}
Note that the width and height values in canvas are DOM attributes,
not style attributes. As such, you need to specify them in the markup,
not the CSS, so that the browser knows the dimensions of its drawing
space. See Chapter 9 for more on canvas .
And now for the JavaScript. First, set up an overall function to generate the wave:
function genWave(){
Inside that function, get both the audio and canvas elements:
var audio = document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0];
var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];
Then set up canvas with its drawing context (see
#shapes ):
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
Next, add an event listener to gather data about the audio file using methods from the
Mozilla Audio Data API (
_Extension#section_2 ) :
audio.addEventListener( "MozAudioAvailable" , buildWave, false);
Then, include a private function to build the canvas wave drawing, and get the number
of channels and frameBufferLength :
function buildWave (event){
var channels = audio.mozChannels;
var frameBufferLength = audio.mozFrameBufferLength;
Note that you need to divide frameBufferLength by channels because
frameBuffer contains an array of audio samples that are not separated
by channels, but are all delivered together.
Get the frameBuffer data:
var fbData = event.frameBuffer;
Set the step increment:
var stepInc = (frameBufferLength / channels) / canvas.width;
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