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help to find new revenue streams, and enrich churn analysis. For example,
Globe Telecom leverages information gathered from its handsets to identify
the optimal service promotion for each customer and the best time to deliver
it, which has had profound effects on its business. Globe Telecom reduced
from 10 months to 40 days the time to market for new services, increased
sales significantly through real-time promotional engines, and more.
What's good for CDRs can also be applied to Internet protocol detail records
(IPDRs). IPDRs provide information about Internet Protocol (IP)-based service
usage and other activities that can be used by operational support to deter-
mine the quality of the network and detect issues that might require mainte-
nance before they lead to a breakdown in network equipment. (Of course, this
same use case can be applied to CDRs.) Just how real-time and low-latency is
Streams when it comes to CDR and IPDR processing? In one example requiring
fewer than 10 servers, we have supported peak throughput rates of some detail
records equal to 500,000 per second, with more than 8 billion detail records
analyzed per day (yes, you read that rate right), or more than 5PB (5000TB) of
data per year. And all this while de-duplicating incoming records against seven
days of data (56 billion records) and reducing latency from 12 hours to a few
seconds (yes, that's more than 10,000 times faster). Streams has sustained rates
of 10GB per second for network monitoring, and 100MB per second for X-ray
diffraction (XRD). One thing worth noting here, if these examples are too
modest for your environment, is that Streams is grid-scalable, so you can add
more capacity on the fly in an elastic manner. Truly, Streams is game-changing
Enforcement, Defense,
Surveillance, and Cyber Security
Streams provides a huge opportunity for improved law enforcement and
increased security, and offers unlimited potential when it comes to the kinds
of applications that can be built in this space, such as real-time situational
awareness applications, multimodal surveillance, cyber security detection,
legal wire taps, video surveillance, and face recognition. Corporations can
also leverage streaming analytics to detect and prevent cyber attacks by
streaming network logs and other system logs to stop intrusions or detect
malicious activity anywhere in their networks.
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