Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Text Analytics Toolkit
Machine Learning Toolkit
Machine Data Accelerator
Social Data Accelerator
Application Panel
Analytic Accelerators
Web Console
Text Analytics Perspective
BigInsights Perspective
BigInsights Plug-ins for Eclipse
Figure 5-2 Data analysis components in BigInsights
methodology and the corresponding features that are baked into the BigIn-
sights components.
Advanced Text Analytics Toolkit
One of our favorite examples of the deep integration that characterizes the
IBM Big Data platform is the Advanced Text Analytics Toolkit. Although
the BigInsights analytics components all connect to this toolkit, it's also
integrated into the Streams product. This means that the text extractors that
you write for your organization's data can be deployed on data at rest
(through BigInsights), or data in motion (through Streams). The Text Ana-
lytics Toolkit is also integrated throughout the BigInsights components. As
we describe in the section “The BigInsights Application Lifecycle” later in
this chapter, you have the ability to deploy text extractors for easy execu-
tion in the Web Console. Because the Advanced Text Analytics Toolkit is
not just a BigInsights feature, we gave it a dedicated chapter—see Chapter 8
for a detailed description.
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