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Antenna for Fifth Generation (5G)
Using a EBG Structure
Almir Souza e Silva Neto 1 , Marta Laís de Macedo Dantas 1 , Joicy dos Santos Silva 1 ,
and Humberto César Chaves Fernandes 2
1 Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraíba, IFPB,
Cordination of Informatics, Paraíba, Brazil
2 Department of Electrical Engineering,
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Natal, Brasil
Abstract. Currently, there is a breakthrough in wireless networks - Wi-Fi - but
also in studies on the optimization of antennas. This article was developed with
the purpose of presenting an antenna applied for fifth generation (5G),
operating at frequency of 28 GHz, using an EBG (Electromagnetic Band Gap)
structure to obtain an increased bandwidth. With faster speed, lower latency and
performance significantly greater than any other, shows up the internet of the
future. The proposed antenna uses, as substrate, RT5880, Rogers Corporation,
with 2.2 and relative permittivity of 0.009 loss tangent and multi-cylinder
drilled in the ground plan of radius of 0.2 mm. Is not required no drilling in the
substrate. To obtain the results, simulations and analysis of the structure under
study was used the HFSS ™ program (High Frequency Structural Simulator). In
view of the good results this antenna can be considered a good candidate for
applications in 5G.
Keywords: Antenna, Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG), 5G Technology.
1 Introduction
In 1886 the first antennas, designed by Heinrich Hertz, with the purpose of serving as
a means to study the development of electromagnetic theories. In 1953 came the
concepts of radiators of microstrip antennas and their practices only in 1970 by
Howell and Munson [1].
Nowadays, the antennas that work with the 4G technology, operate on the
frequency of 2.5 GHz, while the fifth generation communications, in 28 GHz. The
new cellular technology employing a higher frequency spectrum containing a
bandwidth assigned far greater. The 5G technology arose from of the need for an
improvement in the internet, both in relation to its cost and ,mainly, to its
performance. According to studies done, data traffic surpassed that of voice,
increasing the need for a faster internet and quality [2-4].
With technological advances, the millimeter wave bands are increasingly being
used for the transmission and reception of data with application of EBG structures.
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