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Fig. 5. Insp
piration and conceptual design of a sports seat
In the conceptual design
improvements were carr
brainstorming and actions
evaluation and developmen
final solution [18, 19]. Inte
people who represent differ
of these people the new s
innovative approach to the a
Figures 6 and 7 depict th
at the Creative Design pro
inspiration in surrounding
innovative means of transp
looking for inspiration in ob
n stage of transport driven by human muscle strength, so
ried out taking into account the characteristics
to foster creativity. Generating concepts and subsequ
nt of selected interdisciplinary group allowed to obtai
erdisciplinary in projects - is based on the cooperation
rent scientific disciplines [20, 21]. As a result of interact
specific knowledge is formed, often characterized by
analysed problem
he results of the interdisciplinary group effort that wor
oject. By the use of creative techniques and searching
g, the project ended in the conceptual designs of
port. Fig. 6 presents the result of the one group that w
bject presented in Fig2.
in a
n of
y an
Fig. 6. The conceptual
l design of innovative means of transport - initial concept
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