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Preparing the Aid System for Industrial Network
Oriented Diagnostics
Piotr Michalski and Mariusz Piotr Hetmańczyk
The Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Institute of Engineering Processes Automation and Integrated Manufacturing Systems,
Konarskiego 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Abstract. The new proposal of the preparing the aid system for industrial
network diagnostic has been described in this article. New method, based on
aggregation process of subjective marks of reasoning rules from independent
experts, which gives back a more objective parameters for faster computing of
the reasoning process, has been implemented. Thanks to this the malfunctions
of the industrial network can be reduced to minimum and much faster eliminate.
As an example the diagnostic process of the AS-interface industrial network has
been described. Significant time reduction has been reached.
Keywords: judgment process, knowledge acquisition, knowledge discovery,
operator of aggregation, industrial network, diagnostic, AS-interface.
1 Introduction
As the title of the manuscript indicates, the main area of interest is the AS-interface
industrial network [1-9]. It is an intelligent form of cabling which, on the lower level
of industrial communication, i.e. the Sensor/Actuator Level, stands out with its simple
and cost-effective solutions. On the basis of such lower level network, a new scenario
(consisting of 6 stages) of industrial network oriented diagnostics was prepared and
all its successive steps are fully described in the next Chapter. On the grounds of the
concept, the authors of the paper provide the SUFINED system (Support for Industrial
Network Diagnostics), and its implementation into industrial networks oriented
diagnostic system. This system is based on the Internet technology, especially web
servers, PHP and SQL programming, and makes use of a few artificial intelligence
methods. The application is dedicated to users of AS-interface networks. Practical
application of the SUFINED is shown in the last Chapter. The proposed method of
machines diagnostics is also suitable for many different industrial networks, such as
Profibus, Profinet, CC-link, MelsecNET, CanOpen, EtherCAT, EtherNet, etc.
Scenario of the Industrial Network Oriented Diagnostics
The authors proposed a new scenario of preparing a diagnostic aid system for
industrial networks, which contains 6 stages responsible for:
Analysis and identification of the decision variables (stages 1 and 2),
choice of the aid methods (stage 3),
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