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3. Alves, A.C., Kahlen, F.-J., Flumerfelt, S., Siriban-Manalang, A.-B.: The Lean Production
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5. Womack, J.P., Jones, D.T.: Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your
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6. Liker, J.: The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest
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7. Maia, L.C., Alves, A.C., Leão, C.P.: Design of a Lean Methodology for an ergonomic and
sustainable work environment in Textile and Garment Industry. In: ASME 2012
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8. Leão, C.P., Maia, L.C., Alves, A.C.: Needs and Attitudes to Change in Textile and
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9. Maia, L.C., Alves, A., Leão, C.P.: Perspectivas individuais sobre a necessidade de
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10. Neri de Souza, F., Costa, A.P., Moreira, A.: Análise de Dados Qualitativos Suportada pelo
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11. Miles, M.B., Huberman, A.M.: Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook.
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12. Achanga, P., Shehab, E., Roy, R., Nelder, G.: Critical success factors for lean
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13. Maia, L.C., Alves, A.C., Leão, C.P.: Sustainable Work Environment with Lean Production
in Textile and Clothing Industry. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and
Management 4(3), 183-190 (2013)
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