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The question Q.3 - “What are the suggestions for implementing change?” -
revealed that people training and involvement are the key-factors. The CR of
Company A believes that to a good change implementation it is important to involve
the entire company worker's: “I wrap all (...) All together we can improve.". To
facilitate the adaptation and understanding of the process of change, CTO from
Company A stated that, firstly, it is necessary to change mentalities, the way how
people think, and to speak properly with the workers to inform them about the
required changes: “ Change everything (...) change the mentality (...) First, we have to
tell people not to be afraid, to speak and express their views.” .
Both companies agree that for a good change, it is necessary to form, inform and
involve all the collaborators and that it should be focused on the customer. According
to CHR perspective of the Company A, collaborators must be trained and educated to
have an open mind: "(…) there must be training (…) there has to be an openness to
new things.". Through a learning process, it is possible to shape worker's mindset so
they can be more naturally open to new forms of doing their work and new ways of
thinking. About this matter, CP of the Company B considered important to have the
involvement of all workers in the process of change and that they should be valued
(through training and formations) and value their own selves, so they can contribute
in the creation process value to the customer. As referred by him: “(...) they will only
enhance the company's value if they value themselves (...) with technical training we
are trying to achieve that .”. To facilitate the process of change, both companies
emphasize that it is important to train and listen the employees and give them freedom
to adjust to changes.
Case Studies: Understandings of Change
After gathering and analyzed, the interviews in both companies, it was possible to
identify factors highlighted by the interviewees and that, in some way, influence
change [9][12]. Comparing the results obtained in both companies it was possible to
understand that the factors that most influence change are mutual, except the factor
“support from the managers” during and after change referred by Company B
(Table 2).
Table 2. Identified factors that influence change in Company A and B
Factors that influence change
Company A
Company B
Adapt to market challenges
Promote communication to all
Availability to accept suggestions
Motivate all to the change
Change mentalities
Train people
Support from the managers to the change
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