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key phrases indicated, mainly, positive expectations. The CHR of Company A said,
“C hange is always positive when well justified and well implemented”. Additionally,
CW of Company B is prepared to change and he shows interest in being involved in
the process: "I'm always ready. Any change (...) I am always available to participate
and try, (…) and innovate." . The CQ of Company A pointed out that the process of
change, despite its potential benefits, also carries risks that must be taken in account
as an introspective moment and learning opportunity: "We can always learn, (…) for
good or for bad is always a risk. (…) The change is a risk." .
About one of the secondary questions, ' How will participate on this change' ,
Company A and B feel that it is important to listen to the collaborators and to know
what their perspectives are, giving them some autonomy to adapt to change. The
teamwork should be promoted so they can overcome their fears and daily challenges
and feel supported. For example, from the Company B, the CP said: “Every employee
must know they have chiefs that can help when they have a problem. It is easier to
lose a minute to ask a question and solve the problem than to ignore it and later have
a bigger problem.” .
Everyone must be informed about what happen in the company and about all the
changes making the collaborators feel included and being an important part of the
process. Regarding this, all the interviewees from Company B emphasized that they
use their regular meetings (weekly) between chiefs and workers to inform people
about all sort of things, including the changes that are needed and who will go to be
affected by them. As mentioned by CQ: Meetings are always made and it is always
said, to whom is necessary, the type of change that will be made .”.
The CC of Company B accepted the change, he is open to new ideas and different
viewpoints and encourages his workers to do differently if they feel more comfortable
that way, as long as the same expected results can be achieved: "… I give them free to
do it in another way. Because (...) my opinion is this: if one wants to do it differently,
it's ok, since if its suits him better. (...) When they work as they please, is likely to be
best done and faster. As long as he gets results, it's alright.".
Another secondary question that aroused during the interviews was about the
reactions of the collaborators and their predisposition for and to change. So, it is
important to understand how well prepared and motivated they are to change attitudes
and to be involved in the process. The CW of Company B considered that, sometimes,
people do not readily accept the proposed changes, originating conflicts among
workers and their superiors. The CK of Company A stated that changes might
promote psychological instability, at least, in a first instance. The resistance to change
is commonly seen in the workers since they are very accustomed to working in a
certain way and perform the same functions and tasks for long time. Therefore, they
feel accommodated in their place with their usual work-schedule routine. As referred
by CP from Company B: “ It is not easy (...) it is never easy to accept change, it is
very complicated. Mostly, people who are accommodated they will always tell you
that they were accustomed to working this way during many years and always worked
out .”. Furthermore, Company B considered change as a benefit to the collaborators
because they become polyvalent and prepared to work in anyplace and in any work
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