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Disclose information indicators dashboards through electronic platforms
situated and ubiquitous devices;
Help make the best decision at the right time, anywhere and at anytime;
Create an intelligent alert system able to notify administrators about some
major changes in the data dashboards.
Material and Methods
For the development of this work it was followed Kimball methodology to design the
Data Warehouse and to build the PBI prototype.
Kimball Methodology
Kimball [10] defends a Bottom-Up approach. He defends that, after the most
important business indicators, Data Marts are created first. They will provide a more
refined view of organizational data. Kimball [11] defines the DW as "a copy of
transaction data specifically structured for query and analysis." This organizational
modelling focuses on the user's ease of access and provides a high level of
performance for the DW. Kimball methodology is known for Dimensional Lifecycle
Business and analysed following three forms. One of that defines the project itself:
determines the shape of project management and explains which steps the tasks need
to follow in order to be able to properly implement a data warehouse (figure 1).
Fig. 1. Kimball Methodology[11]
As can be seen, the Kimball methodology starts with the Project Planning. For this,
it was proposed the Readiness Litmus Tes that fits this project and focuses on the
following points: 1) Manager with integrated executive powers in the company that
will define the projects objectives, as well as ensure all necessary resources for their
development; 2) Business motivation; 3) The partnership between the University of
Minho and the company management; 4) The analytical culture of the organization;
5) Projects technical feasibility.
Despite the five points, there are two more important for the success of the project:
the analytical culture of the organization against the decision taken and the projects
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