Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
With the implementation of this PBI solution it is possible to obtain the following KPI
[24]: number of requests made and pending; detection of temporal deviations on
requests; average time resolution of requests; potential bottlenecks identification on
workflows of requests. In addition it is also possible to: deliver alerts regarding
deadlines, identify trends in requests, obtain the quality of records, locate slower
request, identify slower circuits; identify circuit bottlenecks, predict delivery dates,
critical periods of citizen attendance.
Monitoring and Growth
This activity is responsible for managing and monitoring the developed solution.
During the operation of the application there are indicators to control, such as:
Number of users; System responsiveness; User Satisfaction level; Size of the
applications; Quantity of data transaction; Amounts of areas involved; Length of the
data handling process; DW size. Through this task it is possible to identify new
goals/organizational opportunities to implement, leading the process for the first
activity. Since this is a solution developed with the purpose of assisting one particular
area of the organization, there are still plenty opportunities to extend the solution to
other areas such as: Human Resources, Treasury, Civil Protection. Also, new business
indicators can be addressed. Last as a one of the final goals of this work, this solution
can be adopted to other Town Halls with the same configurations) with minimum
The results show that this PBI platform is able to provide useful support on the
decision-making processes. The information when used properly can help
management in their tasks, by providing them with a complete insight to make the
right choices that will lead to a positive impact on the citizens target group. Often, this
type of organizations present a complex organizational structure, with various
departments, with a rigid and bureaucratic structure. This results in the creation of
organizational and informational silos. The information sharing between horizontal
units is difficult or even impossible to perform. Typically, the information tends to go
upwards in the hierarchical structure just to descend back to the final destination. One
of the advantages of the PBI solution is that some, if not most, of the KPIs, are
available horizontally across the organization, promoting the removal of certain
information silos, originated by the grouping of organizational activities in functional
areas where there is a loss of overall perspective. Although the employees have a
clear idea of their responsibilities in the service itself, many may have a narrow view
of "general purpose" of the organization as a whole and how their activities contribute
to the common goal. The results of the implementation point towards more simplified
and expedite information. In addition, some KPIs that were difficult or even
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