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responses. Convenience sampling method was used. The convenience sampling is a
basic sampling design, which allows equal representation and selection of samples.
The subject's fill-in the questionnaire online and instructions on how to fill the
questionnaire was given on the questionnaire first page. Confidential treatment of
information was assured and questions were ranged from 7-1 point scale in the
following pattern. Strongly agree - 7 & Disagree - 1.
Correlation Analysis
H1: Business Intelligence is positively associated with HRM decision taking.
Pearson correlation table has developed for finding association and testing first
hypothesis of Business Intelligence as independent variables and decision making as
dependent variable, the below table is stating human resources managers satisfaction
with decision making variable verses BI variable reporting have correlation (R) =
38%, analysis R= 63%, and measures/metrics R = 31% positive Correlation is
significant at the 0.01, dashboard have 60 % negative correlation with 0.01 level .
Technicians satisfaction with the quality of decisions: reporting R = 14 with 0.05
level, analysis is 86% , measures/metrics has 87% positive correlation with 0.01 level
and dashboard having negative correlation with 93 at 0.01 level . Technicians
expressed satisfaction with the decision making based on BI tools, all variables are
having more that 50% correlation at 0.01 level. Majority of the variables are having
positively significant in that case H1 can accepted.
Table 3. Multiple regression analysis
HR Managers
HR Technicians
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed), *. Correlation is significant at
the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Regression Analysis
H2: Business Intelligence will significantly predict HRM decision taking.
For fulfilling second Hypothesis, below Regression analysis is generated. There
were done regression analysis using SPSS 20 version and applied enter method for
proving the second Hypothesis. Majority of the independent variables are having
good estimating indications while we are comparing with HR Manager satisfaction
with decision making has correlation of 78% and R Square is 61. If R Square exceeds
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