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less time and at lower cost than the most. Talent is thus defined for results and not by
the necessary inputs (knowledge, skills and competencies) to achieve it and it is
common organizations use the Development Appraisal for the purpose of Talent
identification [38], by measuring its manifest outputs, comparing with what was
expected in the Job Design description. Talent, in this perspective, is often seen as
being held by workers who consistently and significantly perform better than their
peers, even in different contexts, reflecting in their behavior the culture and values of
the organization [39].
Positive Crafter behaviors . Workers who manifest positive crafter behaviors,
designated crafters, create their potential for intrinsic motivation to shaping elements
that traditionally make up their Job Design: skills, significance and feedback, seeking
change, not in all, but in some specific aspects of the role, to enhance personal gains,
acting in three different ways [40][41], which complement each other and are not
mutually exclusive: (1) alter the boundaries of their work, assuming one or more tasks
or changing the way they are done. It is the task crafting [42]; (2) transform their
relationships at work, changing the nature or extent of these interactions and the
existing interpersonal dynamics, trying to achieve the basic human needs for
interconnection to others, as a way to introduce meaning to their lives [43]. Are
designated relational crafting [42]; (3) cognitively alter its function by modifying the
way they perceive the tasks and they are motivated to do it, creating a positive self-
image in their work, trying to give it a positive meaning [44] and build a positive
identity with the organization [45]. It is the cognitive crafting [42].
The strategic planning of Talent management implies five essential steps [18]: (1)
translate business strategy into organizational capabilities; (2) determine the need for
Talent in order to implement these capabilities; (3) identify the current Talent and the
need of the future; (4) analyze the detected gap; (5) design and implement actions and
inherent investment to overcome it. Step (1) it is mostly based on top management
decision, that should be supported by the core strategic goals defined for the
organization. However for their operation, it is essential the support of the Human
Resources Managers (HRM) and as well, good data and quality information.
Business Intelligence: The Effectiveness and Efficiency through the
Coupling of Job Design and Performance Appraisal
For proper identification of internal talent, the HRM should use two management core
processes whose implementation is in its functional dependence: Job Design and
Performance appraisal (see Figure 2). And it is not only necessary their existence, it is
crucial that the data are actual, the processes are mature enough, the technology is
available and well known by all and that exists an internal culture of Talent, where the
employees and managers know and believe in all that has been and has yet to be done.
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