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genetic analyses would be the availability of SNP
codominant markers along with the develop-
ment of statistical tools tailored to infer marker
dosage in highly polyploid sugarcane. Such
innovative technologies and models would help
overcome the poor informative conventional
(low-throughput) dominant marker systems
that prevent sugarcane breeders from applying
deep genetic analysis. Comparative genomics
among grasses, based on the dramatic increase
in sequencing and bioinformatics capabilities,
also presents a powerful opportunity to densely
scan regions harboring candidate genes. Finally,
research should be inspired by concepts devel-
oped for model plants and animal systems, such
as genomic selection and model-assisted eco-
physiological phenotyping. Genomic selection
approaches should improve estimation of the
effects of markers, including the swarm of small-
effect markers. Plant growth modeling could
provide sounder ecophysiological traits and
parameters to describe the complex biological
process underlying yield and sucrose elabora-
tion. Such models could circumvent traditional
problems caused by genotype by environment
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