Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Troubleshooting and Support
This chapter proposes guidelines for solving some common problems, and gives
hints on how to avoid them. It also explains how to interact with the development
team for support, bug reports, and contributions.
System Requirements
A section at the beginning of the Documentation.html file (which is included with
the downloaded kit) discusses system requirements for the particular phpMyAdmin
version we are using. It is crucial that these requirements be met and that the
environment be properly configured, so that problems are avoided.
Some problems, such as phpMyAdmin bugs, are in fact caused by the server
environment. Sometimes, the web server is not configured to interpret .php iles
correctly, or the PHP component inside the web server does not run with the mysql
extension. Also, MySQL accounts may be badly configured. This can happen on
home servers as well as hosted servers.
When we suspect that something is wrong, we can try a simple PHP script, test.
php , which contains the following to check if the PHP component answers correctly:
echo 'hello';
We should see the hello message. If this works, we can try another script:
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