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Let's say we want to store a small audio comment about each book, inside MySQL.
We add to the book table a new field, with name audio_contents and type
MEDIUMBLOB , to the book table. We set its MIME type to application/octetstream
and choose the application/octetstream: download transformation. In the options,
we insert 'comment.wav' .
This MIME type and extension will inform our browser about the incoming data,
and the browser should open the appropriate player. To insert a comment, we first
record it in .wav format and then upload the contents of the file into the audio_
contents ield for one of the topics. When browsing our table, we can see a link for
our audio comment.
Hexadecimal Representation
Characters are stored in MySQL (as in computers in general) as numeric data, and
converted into something meaningful for the screen or printer. Users sometimes cut
and paste data from one application to phpMyAdmin, leading to unexpected results
if the characters are not directly supported by MySQL. A case I remember involved
special quotation marks entered in a Microsoft Word document and pasted to
phpMyAdmin. It helps to be able to see the exact hexadecimal codes, and this can be
done by using the application/octetstream: hex transformation.
In the following example, we have applied this transformation to the title field of
our book table. When browsing the row containing the Future souvenirs title, we
now see:
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