Information Technology Reference
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Chapter 3
Grid-Enabling Applications
with JGRIM
Cristian Mateos
Alejandro Zunino
Marcelo Campo
The development of massively distributed applications with enormous demands for computing power,
memory, storage and bandwidth is now possible with the Grid. Despite these advances, building Grid
applications is still very difficult. We present JGRIM, an approach to easily gridify Java applications by
separating functional and Grid concerns in the application code, and report evaluations of its benefits
with respect to related approaches. The results indicate that JGRIM simplifies the process of porting
applications to the Grid, and the Grid code obtained from this process performs in a very competitive
way compared to the code resulting from using similar tools.
can be easily “plugged” and efficiently executed
by leveraging resources of different administra-
tive domains. Precisely, “Grid” comes from an
analogy with the electrical grid, since applications
will take advantage of Grid resources as easily as
electricity is now consumed.
Unfortunately, this analogy does not com-
pletely hold yet since it is difficult to “gridify”
an application without rewriting or modifying it.
A major problem is that most Grid toolkits pro-
vide APIs for merely implementing applications
from scratch (Mateos et al., 2008a). Examples of
The Grid (Foster and Kesselman, 2003) is a
distributed computing environment in which
resources from dispersed sites are virtualized
through specialized services to provide applica-
tions with vast execution capabilities. Just like an
electrical infrastructure, which spreads over cities
to convey and deliver electricity, the Grid offers
a computing infrastructure to which applications
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