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Initially, these files are parsed and transformed
into the appropriate file format by CopyCat. In
a first step, a principal coordinate analysis is
conducted on the respective tree-based distance
matrices induced by the host and parasite trees.
This analysis is carried out by the AxPcoords
(Axelerated Principal Coordinates) program (Sta-
matakis et al., 2007), which is an optimized version
of the analogous DistPCoA program (Legendre
and Anderson, 1998). The output of AxPcoords
for the host and parasite trees is then parsed and
appropriately prepared for the AxParafit analysis
which takes the two principal coordinates matrices
and the binary matrix with the associations as
input. The output of this computation is a list of
probabilities for the individual null hypotheses
that a certain association does not improve the fit
between host and associate phylogenies. In addi-
tion, a probability for the global null hypothesis
of the absence of congruence between host and
parasite trees is computed. Upon termination of
AxParafit the output files are read by the CopyCat
tool and presented in a human-readable format.
It is important to note that the computations with
AxParafit represent the by far largest part (over
95%) of the computational effort required to con-
duct such a co-phylogenetic analysis. Therefore,
the AxPcoords and CopyCat parts of the workflow
can be handled sequentially and executed locally.
We will, thus, mainly focus on the parallel and
gridified versions of AxParafit in the next sections.
The basic workflow is outlined in Figure 2 (at the
end of the article).
Initially, the program will compute the statistics
for the global congruence of the complete list of
host-parasite associations. This part of the com-
putation is significantly less expensive than the
individual tests for each host-parasite association,
which take nz times longer, where nz is the number
of non-zero entries in the binary association matrix,
i.e., number of entries in the original host-parasite
association list. For large datasets that require
parallel and distributed computing resources as
well as a sufficient amount of memory typically
nz >> 1 . The statistics computed during the global
test of congruence are required as input data for
the individual tests of host-parasite associations,
hence there is a sequential dependency: global test
nz local tests. Thus, in the MPI-based parallel
implementation we only parallelized these nz lo-
cal tests which can be computed independently of
each other via a straight-forward master-worker
scheme. The master simply distributes the nz
individual host-parasite association tests to the
worker processes.
The potential bottleneck induced by the se-
quential part of the computations can be allevi-
ated by using, e.g., the respective shared-memory
implementations of BLAS. With respect to a
gridification, this sequential dependency actually
has advantages. Since the inference time as well
as memory footprint of the global test of congru-
ence are nearly identical (same type of operation,
identical matrix sizes, permuted input data) to
each of the individual nz tests, the information
on run-times and memory requirements collected
during the global tests can be used for scheduling
decisions, as well as to determine an optimal level
of granularity and to assess respective resource
Parallel AxParafit
The most compute-intensive operation (95%
of execution time) conducted by AxParafit to
compute the statistics is a dense matrix-matrix
multiplication of double precision floating point
numbers. This is the rationale for integration of
highly optimized BLAS routines. In the remainder
of this article, we thus always refer to the BLAS-
based version of AxParafit.
In the following section, we describe how
CopyCat(AxParafit) has been adapted and modi-
fied for use in a Grid environment. The overall
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