Environmental Engineering Reference
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9.5 First part is obtained by equating the gravitational attraction to the centripetal
force. After the dust cloud has been driven away, the total energy of the
planet is
3 πρr 3 )m
and the orbit is bound if this is negative, hence the result. Determine
semi-major axis by equating the total energy to
GMm/( 2 a) . The answer
M dust /M) 1
3 πρr 3 .
At distance r the velocity is tangential and so the planet is at pericentre
( r<a so cannot be apocentre). Thus a( 1
can be re-arranged to read a
r( 1
where M dust =
r and so ε
M dust /M .
9.6 Use u 2
1 )GM/a to obtain the speed immediately after the firing
of the rockets (apocentre of the Eagle's orbit). We have that r
( 2 a/r
1850 km
but need a . Solve for a using a( 1
1755 km and a( 1
km. Hence speed is 1.61 km s 1
which implies a slowing down of around
20 m s 1 .
9.7 The difference is due to the fact that the Sun is offset from the centre of
the Earth's elliptical orbit by a distance εR . The summertime orbit therefore
sweeps out an area
4 εR 2 more than the wintertime orbit. Since the area
swept out over the whole year is
πR 2 and since area is swept out at a
constant rate this translates into a time difference of 4 ε/π years
This compares well with the 7 days difference between the period 21 March
to 22 September and the period 23 September to 20 March.
10.1 The hoop receives an impulse p on the rim which implies an angular
impulse L
p about the centre of the hoop. The angular momentum
before impact is
mr 2 ω n ,
ω =
where n is horizontal. To only deflect the hoop L must also lie in the
horizontal plane, i.e. r must point up and the blow should be applied to the
highest point of the hoop. A blow anywhere else will induce a wobble. The
change in direction θ is
mr 2 ω =
mv ,
tan θ
10.2 Compute the torque about the centre of mass because the coin accelerates
(otherwise we would have to include the effect of fictitious forces). The
torque is a result of the normal force and friction at the base of the coin.
The normal force is equal in magnitude to the weight and friction provides
wherewehaveused v
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