Environmental Engineering Reference
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d L
d t
body + ω ×
d L
d t
= τ
and also
d L
d t
d ( I
I d
d t
body =
body =
d t
since in this frame any matrix representation of I is time-independent. The
time-derivative of the angular velocity is actually the same vector in both frames,
body = ω
d t
d t
d t
body + ω × ω =
We now have all the elements we need to write the equations of motion in the
body-fixed frame. Using Eq. (10.46) - (10.49) we arrive at
τ =
ω + ω ×
ω + ω ×
( I
L .
Even though we have dropped our explicit denotation of the frame of reference,
it is crucial to remember that this equation is generally valid only in a body-fixed
frame since I must be independent of time.
Note that for the special case of rotation at constant angular velocity, i.e.
ω =
Eq. (10.50) gives
τ = ω ×
L .
If the body is also rotating about a principal axis then we have seen that L and
will be parallel, in which case
0 and so no torque is required (which confirms
the result from the last section). With Eq. (10.51) we now have a more direct
method to address problems like the one posed in Example 10.4.1. You might like
to check that you can obtain Eq. (10.45) by computing
τ =
L .
At this point we are still free to choose a set of coordinate axes in the body-fixed
frame. Taking the basis vectors to be along the principal axes we have
ω ×
e 1 e 2 e 3
ω 1 ω 2 ω 3
I 1 ω 1 I 2 ω 2 I 3 ω 3
ω ×
Expanding the determinant and taking components of Eq. (10.50) gives us the three
I 1 ˙
ω 1 +
(I 3
I 2 2 ω 3 =
τ 1 ,
I 2 ˙
ω 2 +
(I 1
I 3 3 ω 1 =
τ 2 ,
I 3 ˙
ω 3 +
(I 2
I 1 1 ω 2 =
τ 3 .
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