Graphics Programs Reference
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Step Eight:
While we're here, let's try a few more type techniques. Press Command-J (PC: Ctrl-J) to
duplicate your Type layer. Press Command-T (PC: Ctrl-T) to bring up Free Transform,
press-and-hold the Shift key, grab a corner point, and drag the text on this duplicate layer
out so it fills the entire image area from side to side (as seen here), then position it near the
top of the video. Because you can pretty much do the same stuff to a video that you can do
toastill image, youcan dothings like changing the blend mode ofthe Typelayer (goahead
and change it to Soft Light , so it blends in with the video), and lowering the layer's Opa-
city (lower it to 75%, as seen here). Lastly, drag this Type clip a little further to the right in
the timeline, so the smaller word “Elegance” appears first, then the larger one. Note: How
this effect looks will depend on the video clip. This just gives you an idea of what you can
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