Graphics Programs Reference
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Step Seven:
Of course, at some point your voice-over will end, and you'll probably want the back-
ground music to return to full volume. You pretty much do the same thing. Just scroll down
the timeline to the point where you can see your voice-over ends and move your play-
head to a second or two after that point. Click on the track you want to split (your back-
ground music track), then click the Split at Playhead icon again to create a third section of
your background music track. Right-click on this third section and set your volume back to
100% (as shown here).
Adding Transitions Between Clips and Fade Ins/Fade Outs
When you make a movie, you get to decide how your movie starts and ends. For example,
at the end of the movie, does it just abruptly stop, or does it smoothly fade away to black?
Same thing for the opening. Does it just start immediately when you click Play, or fade in
from white or black? You also get to decide how your clips transition from clip to clip—a
quick cut, or does it smoothly dissolve from one clip to the next? Of course, it depends on
the type of movie you're creating, but adding these transitions can help give your movie a
more polished look.
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