Graphics Programs Reference
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For the final sharpened image you see here, I used the Moderate sharpening settings I gave
earlier (Amount: 120%, Radius: 1, Threshold: 3), and I used that tip I gave you after the
Portrait sharpening settings for sharpening women, where I only applied this sharpening
to the Red channel, so it avoided sharpening her skin texture too much (yet sharpened her
hair,eyebrows,lips,clothing, etc.). Ifyou'reuncomfortable withcreating yourowncustom
Unsharp Mask settings, then start with this: pick a starting point (one of the set of settings
I gave on the previous pages), and then just move the Amount slider and nothing else (so,
don't touch the Radius and Threshold sliders). Try that for a while, and it won't be long
before you'll find a situation where you ask yourself, “I wonder if lowering the Threshold
would help?” and by then, you'll be perfectly comfortable with it.
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