Graphics Programs Reference
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Step Four:
Our last step is to limit the effect to just our subject's skin (of course, you can leave it over
the entire image if it looks good, but normally I just use this as a skin effect. So, if it looks
good to you as-is, you can skip this step). To limit it to just the skin, press Command-
Option-Shift-E (PC: Ctrl-Alt-Shift-E) to create a merged layer on top of the layer stack
(a merged layer is a new layer that looks like you flattened the image). You don't need the
two layers below it any longer, so you can hide them from view by clicking on the Eye icon
to the left of each layer's thumbnail (like I did here), or you can just delete them altogether.
Now, press-and-hold the Option (PC: Alt) key and click on the Add Layer Mask icon at the
bottomoftheLayerspaneltohideourdesaturatedlayerbehindablackmask.Press D toset
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