Graphics Programs Reference
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Step Eight:
Now, let's use the Patch tool (press Shift-J until you have it). You use it initially just like
the Lasso tool: click-and-drag a loose selection around the object you want to remove (the
sign on the right, here), then click your cursor inside that selected area and drag it to a
nearbycleanarea(you'llseeapreviewinsidetheselected areaofwhatyourpatchwilllook
like).Then,whenyourelease themousebutton,itsnapsbackandthesignisremoved.Iuse
the Patch tool for removing larger objects like this. If you want it to use the Content-Aware
technology, in the Options Bar, choose Content-Aware from the Patch pop-up menu (as
shown here). By the way, using the Content-Aware option won't always be better than the
regular Patch tool healing—it just depends on the image. So, if you don't like the results of
one, try the other. We're not done here yet, though.
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