Graphics Programs Reference
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For our project, here, from the If Current (meaning, the currently open document) pop-
up menu, we're going to chose Document Is Landscape , and if that's the case, from the
Then Play Action pop-up menu, choose the Wide Portfolio action you made earlier. Fin-
ally, from the Else Play Action pop-up menu, choose Tall Portfolio . Click OK, and then
click the Stop Recording icon at the bottom of the Actions panel.
Step Six:
Now, to apply this conditional action to a folder full of images, go under the File menu, un-
der Automate, and choose Batch (we use Batch to process an entire folder of images at one
time automatically). When the dialog appears, in the Play section at the top left, choose the
Resize for Portfolio conditional action you just created in the previous step from the Ac-
tion pop-up menu. Then, choose the folder you want to run this action on (click the Choose
button in the Source section), choose Save and Close from the Destination pop-up menu
(or if you want them to be resized and saved in a different folder, choose Folder and then
pick the folder you want them to be moved into after you've resized them), and then click
the OK button at the top right.
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