Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Normally, when you paint with the Adjustment Brush, you see the adjustment (so if you're
darkening an area, as you paint, that area gets darker), but if you're doing a subtle adjust-
ment, it might be kind of hard to see what you're actually painting (and if you're spilling
over into an area you don't want darkened). If that's the case, try this: turn on the Mask
checkbox (at the bottom of the Adjustment Brush panel). Now, when you paint, it paints in
white (the default mask color, which you can change by clicking on the color swatch to the
right of the checkbox), so you can see exactly the area you're affecting. When you're done,
just press the Y key to turn the Mask checkbox off. This one's worth a try.
Add Your Own Color Swatches
When you click on the Color swatch in the Adjustment Brush panel, you see that there are
five color swatches in the bottom-right corner of the Color Picker. They're there for you
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