Graphics Programs Reference
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Step Two:
Get the Adjustment Brush (K) , click on the + (plus sign) button to the right of Temperature
(this resets all the other sliders to 0 and sets the Temperature to +25), and start painting
over these bluish background areas (as shown here). Once you've painted over them, you
can adjust the Temperature slider (drag to the right to warm up the color and make this area
less blue, as I did here, or to the left if the default setting of +25 makes things too warm).
This is the beauty of using the Adjustment Brush for this—once you paint over the bluish
area, you can “dial in” just the right amount of white balance correction by dragging the
slider after you've painted. Now the buildings look more neutral, especially the mirrored
building in the top right. I also increased the Highlights a bit to finish it up.
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