Java Reference
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The JAX-RS specification does not say whether the injected MultivaluedMap should con-
tain encoded strings or not. Most JAX-RS implementations will automatically decode the
map's string keys and values. If you want it encoded, you can use the annotation to notify the JAX-RS implementation that you want the
data in its raw form.
The javax.xml.transform.Source interface represents XML input or output. It is usually
used to perform XSLT transformations on input documents. Here's an example:
@Path ( "/transform" )
public class
class TransformationService
TransformationService {
@Consumes ( "application/xml" )
@Produces ( "application/xml" )
public String post ( Source source ) {
javax . xml . transform . TransformerFactory tFactory =
javax . xml . transform . TransformerFactory . newInstance ();
javax . xml . transform . Transformer transformer =
tFactory . newTransformer (
new javax . xml . transform . stream . StreamSource ( "foo.xsl" ));
StringWriter writer = new
new StringWriter ();
transformer . transform ( source ,
new javax . xml . transform . stream . StreamResult ( writer ));
return writer . toString ();
In this example, we're having JAX-RS inject a javax.xml.transform.Source instance that
represents our request body and we're transforming it using an XSLT transformation.
Except for JAXB, javax.xml.transform.Source is the only XML-based construct that the
specification requires implementers to support. I find it a little strange that you can't auto-
matically inject and marshal org.w3c.dom.Document objects. This was probably just forgot-
ten in the writing of the specification.
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