Java Reference
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byte [] buffer = new
new byte
byte [ 1000 ];
int wasRead = 0 ;
ddo {
wasRead = stream . read ( buffer );
iif ( wasRead > 0 ) {
baos . write ( buffer , 0 , wasRead );
} while
while ( wasRead > 1 );
return baos . toByteArray ();
Here, we're reading the full raw bytes of the available and using
them to create a String that we output to the screen:
@Path ( "/morestuff" )
public void
void putMore ( Reader reader ) {
LineNumberReader lineReader = new
new LineNumberReader ( reader );
ddo {
String line = lineReader . readLine ();
iif ( line != null
null ) System . out . println ( line );
} while
while ( line != null
null );
For this example, we're creating a that wraps our injected
Reader object and prints out every line in the request body.
You are not limited to using InputStream and Reader for reading input request message
bodies. You can also return these as response objects. For example:
@Path ( "/file" )
public class
class FileService
FileService {
private static
static final
final String basePath = "..." ;
@Path ( "{filepath: .*}" )
@Produces ( "text/plain" )
public InputStream getFile ( @PathParam ( "filepath" ) String path ) {
FileInputStream is = new
new FileInputStream ( basePath + path );
return is ;
Here, we're using an injected @PathParam to create a reference to a real file that exists on
our disk. We create a based on this path and return it as our re-
sponse body. The JAX-RS implementation will read from this input stream into a buffer and
write it back out incrementally to the response output stream. We must specify the @Pro-
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