Java Reference
In-Depth Information
In this example, we inject an instance of UriInfo into the getPicture() method's info
parameter. We then use this instance to extract information out of the URI.
Instead of injecting and processing PathSegment objects to obtain matrix parameter values,
the JAX-RS specification allows you to inject matrix parameter values directly through the annotation. Let's change our CarResource example from the
previous section to reflect using this annotation:
@Path ( "/{make}" )
public class
class CarResource
CarResource {
@Path ( "/{model}/{year}" )
@Produces ( "image/jpeg" )
public Jpeg getPicture ( @PathParam ( "make" ) String make ,
@PathParam ( "model" ) String model ,
@MatrixParam ( "color" ) String color ) {
Using the @MatrixParam annotation shrinks our code and provides a bit more readability.
The only downside of @MatrixParam is that sometimes you might have a repeating matrix
parameter that is applied to many different path segments in the URI. For example, what if
color shows up multiple times in our car service example?
GET / mercedes / e55 ; color = black / 2006 / interior ; color = tan
Here, the color attribute shows up twice: once with the model and once with the interior.
Using @MatrixParam("color") in this case would be ambiguous and we would have to go
back to processing PathSegments to obtain this matrix parameter.
The annotation allows you to inject individual URI query para-
meters into your Java parameters. For example, let's say we wanted to query a customer
database and retrieve a subset of all customers in the database. Our URI might look like this:
GET / customers ? start = 0 & size = 10
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