Java Reference
In-Depth Information
In this example, if our request was GET /cars/mercedes/e55/amg/year/2006 , the car
parameter would have a list of two PathSegments injected into it, one representing the e55
segment and the other representing the amg segment. We could then query and pull in matrix
parameters as needed from these segments.
Programmatic URI Information
All this à la carte injection of path parameter data with the @PathParam annotation is perfect
most of the time. Sometimes, though, you need a more general raw API to query and browse
information about the incoming request's URI. The interface
provides such an API:
public interface
interface UriInfo
UriInfo {
public String getPath ();
public String getPath ( boolean
boolean decode );
public List < PathSegment > getPathSegments ();
public List < PathSegment > getPathSegments ( boolean
boolean decode );
public MultivaluedMap < String , String > getPathParameters ();
public MultivaluedMap < String , String > getPathParameters ( boolean
boolean decode );
The getPath() methods allow you to obtain the relative path JAX-RS used to match the in-
coming request. You can receive the path string decoded or encoded. The getPathSeg-
ments() methods break up the entire relative path into a series of PathSegment objects. Like
getPath() , you can receive this information encoded or decoded. Finally, getPathPara-
meters() returns a map of all the path parameters defined for all matching @Path expres-
You can obtain an instance of the UriInfo interface by using the injection annotation. Here's an example:
@Path ( "/cars/{make}" )
public class
class CarResource
CarResource {
@Path ( "/{model}/{year}" )
@Produces ( "image/jpeg" )
public Jpeg getPicture ( @Context UriInfo info ) {
String make = info . getPathParameters (). getFirst ( "make" );
PathSegment model = info . getPathSegments (). get ( 1 );
String color = model . getMatrixParameters (). getFirst ( "color" );
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