Java Reference
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@Path ( "roy&fielding" )
public String getOurBestCustomer () {
The @Path expression for getOurBestCustomer() would match incoming requests like GET
/customers/roy%26fielding .
Matrix Parameters
One part of the URI specification that we have not touched on yet is matrix parameters . Mat-
rix parameters are name-value pairs embedded within the path of a URI string. For example:
http: // ; color = black / 2006
They come after a URI segment and are delimited by the “;” character. The matrix parameter
in this example comes after the URI segment e55 . Its name is color and its value is black .
Matrix parameters are different than query parameters, as they represent attributes of certain
segments of the URI and are used for identification purposes. Think of them as adjectives.
Query parameters, on the other hand, always come at the end of the URI and always pertain
to the full resource you are referencing.
Matrix parameters are ignored when matching incoming requests to JAX-RS resource meth-
ods. It is actually illegal to specify matrix parameters within an @Path expression. For ex-
@Path ( "/mercedes" )
public class
class MercedesService
MercedesService {
@Path ( "/e55/{year}" )
@Produces ( "image/jpeg" )
public Jpeg getE55Picture ( @PathParam ( "year" ) String year ) {
If we queried our JAX-RS service with GET /mercedes/e55;color=black/2006 , the
getE55Picture() method would match the incoming request and would be invoked. Matrix
parameters are not considered part of the matching process because they are usually variable
attributes of the request. We'll see in Chapter 5 how to access matrix parameter information
within our JAX-RS resource methods.
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