Java Reference
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iif ( response . getStatus () != 204 )
new RuntimeException ( "Failed to update" );
response . close ();
System . out . println ( "**** After Update ***" );
customer = client . target ( location ). request (). get ( String . class );
System . out . println ( customer );
} finally
throw new
finally {
client . close ();
The Client API is a fluent API in that it tries to look like a domain-specific language (DSL).
The Client API has a lot of method chaining, so writing client code can be as simple and
compact as possible. In the preceding example, we first build and execute a POST request to
create a customer. We then extract the URI of the created customer from a Response object
to execute a GET request on the URI. After this, we update the customer with a new XML
representation by invoking a PUT request. The example only uses Strings , but we'll see in
Chapter 6 that JAX-RS also has content handlers you can use to marshal your Java objects
automatically to and from XML and other message formats.
Wrapping Up
In this chapter, we discussed how to implement a simple customer database as a JAX-RS ser-
vice. You can test-drive this code by flipping to Chapter 18 . It will walk you through in-
stalling JBoss RESTEasy, implementing JAX-RS, and running the examples in this chapter
within a servlet container.
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