Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The annotation applied to createCustomer() specifies which
media type the method is expecting in the message body of the HTTP input request. If the
client POSTs a media type other than XML, an error code is sent back to the client.
The createCustomer() method takes one parameter. In JAX-RS,
any non-JAX-RS-annotated parameter is considered to be a representation of the HTTP input
request's message body. In this case, we want access to the method body in its most basic
form, an InputStream .
Only one Java method parameter can represent the HTTP message body. This means any other para-
meters must be annotated with one of the JAX-RS annotations discussed in Chapter 5 .
The implementation of the method reads and transforms the POSTed XML into a Customer
object and stores it in the customerDB map. The method returns a complex response to the
client using the class. The static Response.created() meth-
od creates a Response object that contains an HTTP status code of 201, “Created.” It also
adds a Location header to the HTTP response with the value of something like ht-
tp:// , depending on the base URI of the server and the gen-
erated ID of the Customer object (333 in this example).
Retrieving customers
@Path ( "{id}" )
@Produces ( "application/xml" )
public StreamingOutput getCustomer ( @PathParam ( "id" ) int
int id ) {
final Customer customer = customerDB . get ( id );
iif ( customer == null
null ) {
throw new
new WebApplicationException ( Response . Status . NOT_FOUND );
return new
new StreamingOutput () {
public void
void write ( OutputStream outputStream )
throws IOException , WebApplicationException {
outputCustomer ( outputStream , customer );
We annotate the getCustomer() method with the annotation to bind
HTTP GET operations to this Java method.
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