Java Reference
In-Depth Information
how JAX-RS works in the context of a Java EE (Enterprise Edition) application and things
like JPA.
CustomerResource: Our JAX-RS Service
Now that we have defined a domain object that will represent our customers at runtime, we
need to implement our JAX-RS service so that remote clients can interact with our customer
database. A JAX-RS service is a Java class that uses JAX-RS annotations to bind and map
specific incoming HTTP requests to Java methods that can service these requests. While
JAX-RS can integrate with popular component models like Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB),
Web Beans, JBoss Seam, and Spring, it does define its own lightweight model.
In vanilla JAX-RS, services can either be singletons or per-request objects. A singleton
means that one and only one Java object services HTTP requests. Per-request means that a
Java object is created to process each incoming request and is thrown away at the end of that
request. Per-request also implies statelessness, as no service state is held between requests.
For our example, we will write a CustomerResource class to implement our JAX-RS service
and assume it will be a singleton. In this example, we need CustomerResource to be a
singleton because it is going to hold state. It is going to keep a map of Customer objects in
memory that our remote clients can access. In a real system, CustomerResource would
probably interact with a database to retrieve and store customers and wouldn't need to hold
state between requests. In this database scenario, we could make CustomerResource per-re-
quest and thus stateless. Let's start by looking at the first few lines of our class to see how to
start writing a JAX-RS service:
package com . restfully . shop . services ;
import ...
... ;
@Path ( "/customers" )
public class
class CustomerResource
CustomerResource {
private Map < Integer , Customer > customerDB =
new ConcurrentHashMap < Integer , Customer >();
private AtomicInteger idCounter = new
new AtomicInteger ();
As you can see, CustomerResource is a plain Java class and doesn't implement any particu-
lar JAX-RS interface. The annotation placed on the CustomerRe-
source class designates the class as a JAX-RS service. Java classes that you want to be re-
cognized as JAX-RS services must have this annotation. Also notice that the @Path annota-
tion has the value of /customers . This value represents the relative root URI of our custom-
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