Java Reference
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. content ( message )
. dir ( secret );
target . request (). post ( Entity . text ( encrypted ));
This while loop is similar to the code discussed in Chapter 27 . The difference is that it uses
the RESTEasy org.jboss.resteasy.jose.jwe.JWEBuilder class to encrypt the text mes-
sage we want to post to the server. The JWEBuilder.contentType() method sets the cty
header of the JWE. The content() method sets the entity we want to encrypt. The dir()
method first takes the entity and marshals it using a MessageBodyReader picked from the
content type and the entity's class. The dir() method then generates the JWE based on this
marshalled content and shared secret algorithm. Once we have our JWE-encoded string, we
then post it to the chat server.
One thing to notice is that we have not changed the server at all. The server is a dumb inter-
mediary that just forwards messages from one client to others. It doesn't care about what is
being sent across the wire.
Build and Run the Example Program
You'll need multiple console windows to run this example. In the first console window, per-
form the following steps:
1. Change to the ex15_2 directory of the workbook example code.
2. Make sure your PATH is set up to include both the JDK and Maven, as described in
Chapter 17 .
3. Perform the build and run the example by typing maven jetty:run .
This will start the JAX-RS services for the example.
Open another console window and do the following.
1. Change to the ex15_2 directory of the workbook example code.
2. Run the chat client by typing maven exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=ChatClient -
Dexec.args=" your-name your-secret " .
Replace your-name with your first name and your-secret with your shared password.
Repeat this process in yet another console window to run a second chat client. You may also
want to start different chat clients that use different passwords to see what happens.
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