Java Reference
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this . secret = secret ;
public void
void filter ( ClientRequestContext requestContext ) throws
throws IOException
String otp = OTP . generateToken ( secret );
requestContext . getHeaders (). putSingle
( HttpHeaders . AUTHORIZATION , user + " " + otp );
This filter is very simple. It is constructed with the username and password we will use to
generate the one-time password. The filter() method generates the one-time password by
calling the OTP.generateToken() method we described earlier in this chapter. The fil-
ter() method then generates and sets the Authorization header for the HTTP request.
The client test code is the same as ex06_1 except that we set it up to use OTP authentication.
Let's take a look:
public void
void testCustomerResource () throws
throws Exception
System . out . println ( "*** Create a new Customer ***" );
Customer newCustomer = new
new Customer ();
newCustomer . setFirstName ( "Bill" );
newCustomer . setLastName ( "Burke" );
newCustomer . setStreet ( "256 Clarendon Street" );
newCustomer . setCity ( "Boston" );
newCustomer . setState ( "MA" );
newCustomer . setZip ( "02115" );
newCustomer . setCountry ( "USA" );
Response response = client . target (
"http://localhost:8080/services/customers" )
. request (). post ( Entity . xml ( newCustomer ));
iif ( response . getStatus () != 201 ) throw
throw new
new RuntimeException
( "Failed to create" );
String location = response . getLocation (). toString ();
System . out . println ( "Location: " + location );
response . close ();
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