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discussed in Name Bindings . To apply a name binding, the OTPAuthenticated annotation
interface is annotated with @NameBinding .
With our custom annotation defined, let's take a look at the filter that implements the OTP
@Priority ( Priorities . AUTHENTICATION )
public class
class OneTimePasswordAuthenticator
OneTimePasswordAuthenticator implements
implements ContainerRequestFilter
The OneTimePasswordAuthenticator class is annotated with @OTPAuthenticated . This
completes the @NameBinding we started when we implemented the @OTPAuthenticated an-
notation interface. The class is also annotated with @Priority . This annotation affects the
ordering of filters as they are applied to a JAX-RS method. We'll discuss specifically why
we need this later in the chapter, but you usually want authentication filters to run before any
other filter.
protected Map < String , String > userSecretMap ;
public OneTimePasswordAuthenticator ( Map < String , String > userSecretMap )
this . userSecretMap = userSecretMap ;
Our filter will be a singleton object and will be initialized with a map. The key of the map
will be a username, while the value will be the secret password used by the user to create a
one-time password.
public void
void filter ( ContainerRequestContext requestContext ) throws
throws IOException
String authorization = requestContext . getHeaderString (
HttpHeaders . AUTHORIZATION );
iif ( authorization == null
null ) throw
throw new
new NotAuthorizedException ( "OTP" );
String [] split = authorization . split ( " " );
final String user = split [ 0 ];
String otp = split [ 1 ];
In the first part of our filter() method, we parse the Authorization header that was sent
by the client. The username and encoded password are extracted from the header into the
user and otp variables.
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