Java Reference
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Chapter 29. Examples for Chapter 15
The chapter goes over some example code that illustrates a few of the concepts and APIs you
were introduced to in Chapter 15 . In the first example, you'll write two custom security plug-
ins. In the second example, you'll use JSON Web Encryption to add more security to a chat
Example ex15_1: Custom Security
In the first example, we will write two custom security features using JAX-RS filters. The
first feature is a custom authentication protocol. The second will be a custom access policy.
The example applies these security features to the code we wrote in ex06_1 .
One-Time Password Authentication
The first custom security feature we'll write is one-time password (OTP) authentication. The
client will use a credential that changes once per minute. This credential will be a hash that
we generate by combining a static password with the current time in minutes. The client will
send this generated one-time password in the Authorization header. For example:
GET /customers
HTTP / 1.1
Authorization : <username> <generated_password>
/customers HTTP
The header will contain the username of the user followed by the one-time password.
The server code
We will enforce OTP authentication only on JAX-RS methods annotated with the
@OTPAuthenticated annotation:
@Target ({ ElementType . METHOD , ElementType . TYPE })
@Retention ( RetentionPolicy . RUNTIME )
public @interface OTPAuthenticated
When declared on a JAX-RS method, this annotation will trigger the binding of a Contain-
erRequestFilter that implements the OTP algorithm using the @NameBinding technique
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