Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The test starts off by initializing the server's database by calling populateDB() . Like ex-
10_2 , the client interacts with the StoreResource JAX-RS service to obtain links to all the
services in the system.
System . out . println ( "** Buy an iPhone for Bill Burke" );
System . out . println ();
System . out . println ( "** First see if Bill Burke exists as a customer" );
Customers custs = client . target ( customers )
. queryParam ( "firstName" , "Bill" )
. queryParam ( "lastName" , "Burke" )
. request (). get ( Customers . class );
Customer customer = null
null ;
iif ( custs . getCustomers (). size () > 0 )
System . out . println ( "- Found a Bill Burke in the database, using that" );
customer = custs . getCustomers (). iterator (). next ();
System . out . println ( "- Cound not find a Bill Burke in the database,
creating one." );
customer = new
new Customer ();
customer . setFirstName ( "Bill" );
customer . setLastName ( "Burke" );
customer . setStreet ( "222 Dartmouth Street" );
customer . setCity ( "Boston" );
customer . setState ( "MA" );
customer . setZip ( "02115" );
customer . setCountry ( "USA" );
response = client . target ( customers )
. request ()
. post ( Entity . xml ( customer ));
Assert . assertEquals ( 201 , response . getStatus ());
URI uri = response . getLocation ();
response . close ();
customer = client . target ( uri ). request (). get ( Customer . class );
The client code checks to see if the customer “Bill Burke” already exists. If that customer
doesn't exist, it is created within the customer database.
System . out . println ();
System . out . println ( "Search for iPhone in the Product database" );
Products prods = client . target ( products )
. queryParam ( "name" , "iPhone" )
Search WWH ::

Custom Search