Java Reference
In-Depth Information
By default, RESTEasy allows only one connection per Client to be open at one time. So we
use the proprietary ClientBuilder implementation of RESTEasy to set a connection pool
size of 3. We also initialize a WebTarget with the URL of the chat service.
Next, we use the JAX-RS client asynchronous callback API to set up a loop to pull chat mes-
sages from the server:
target . request (). async (). get ( new
new InvocationCallback < Response >()
public void
void completed ( Response response )
Link next = response . getLink ( "next" );
String message = response . readEntity ( String . class );
System . out . println ();
System . out . print ( message ); // + "\r");
System . out . println ();
System . out . print ( "> " );
client . target ( next ). request (). async (). get ( this
this );
public void
void failed ( Throwable throwable )
System . err . println ( "FAILURE!" );
The code starts off by making an async request to the base chat URI. This invocation re-
gisters an InvocationCallback interface that we've implemented as a Java inner class.
When the initial GET request is complete, the InvocationCallback.complete() method is
invoked, passing in the Response from the server. We first extract the next Link header and
the chat message from the Response . We then print the message to the console. Finally, we
make a new asynchronous GET request using the URI contained in the next Link header.
We register the current InvocationCallback instance with this new request. This will set up
a continuous pull request with the chat service.
After we've set up our receive loop, we set up another loop that allows us to send chat mes-
while ( true
true )
System . out . print ( "> " );
BufferedReader br = new
new BufferedReader (
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